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3 tips to help keep your home tidy and organized...

Writer's picture: Tricia LaFranceTricia LaFrance

Updated: Sep 6, 2021

Happy Friday!

I’m writing this to you from one of my favorite places… the beach! Ahhh... How can it be September already?! I am enjoying the time I have to soak up the sun while I can!

I have been having so much fun this summer… some of you have had me pack up and help you move and set up your new homes, some of you have been so busy caring for others that you haven’t had time to think about your living space and now have an organized home. I have helped homeschool mama’s...some get set-up to start the new school year and some who homeschool year-round, get a good system in place. I was homeschooled for most of my school years so it definitely takes me back and I reminisce while I am organizing homeschool rooms...the curriculum, the anticipation of new school books, learning things, new pencils and other school essentials, etc. My mom was pretty structured most of the time and our school days were organized (for my siblings and I) but there would be times when it wasn't and we experienced chaos and confusion. It really makes you appreciate organization... at least it does for me haha Despite having many children and a full plate, some of you have gone above and beyond welcoming me into your homes… you have happily made me iced coffee with freshly made almond milk and made-from-scratch banana paleo pancakes. You haven’t just welcomed me into your homes but made me feel like I’m a part of your family and that we're doing every day life together. I will always be grateful for that and never forget your kindness...

I just thought I’d share a few tips that I’ve seen to be helpful... maybe you can find them useful!

1. If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now.

These small things pile up on your to-do list and can get the ball rolling with feeling overwhelmed. It’s easier to just get it over and done with then to be stressed about it later… ex. replacing the toilet paper/paper towel roll, taking out the trash, tearing down recycling boxes, throwing out coffee grounds, putting dishes right into the dishwasher instead of filling up your sink, throwing an empty snack bag/soda can in the trash when you're finished or any other small thing. I feel best when I set myself up to be in a good place, because I’ve never liked feeling like I’m behind or running late vs prepared and ready for whatever comes my way. When I was younger, I would do experiments and I know what it takes for me to have a good day so I have a good day, every day now! This is different for everyone. Only you can know how and what makes you feel your best.. it's just a matter of being in tune with yourself and how much effort you put into it.

2. Assign age-related tasks.

Not only does this teach children time management, self-discipline, responsibility, consequences of actions, and empathy but they learn that each of them contribute to the family... They've also found that children who participate in household chores are more likely to succeed in school, their careers, and personal relationships. It also helps in minimizing the mess around the house- that's an added bonus ;) If you're not sure which chores are appropriate for certain ages, I'm sure they have some Pinterest boards you could find helpful! I've seen kids as young as 3 who take their dishes to the sink and wipe up their area- it's impressive! Random fact... Do you know French kids start baking at 2-3 years old? It helps teach them patience, how to deal with frustration and how to handle moments when they have nothing to do... and at the end, they get to eat something they helped make! How rewarding!

3. If you make a mess, clean it up.

I feel like this is easier to do right away but it depends. If the kids are done playing with toys, they can put them away- this teaches them to work as well as organize, especially if you have labels on containers and bins! Maybe you find it easier when everyone cleans everything up once a day…you could even do a nightly routine where you set the timer, turn some music on, race to see how much all of you can get cleaned up! You can make it as fun and exciting as you want; Remember, your actions, words and energy set the tone.

If you don't already do any of these, maybe try incorporating one in at a time for a week or so, and see how it goes! And if you’re feeling in over your head and need some organizing done or you just don't have the time, you’re welcome to schedule a session with me; I’d love to help you out!

Hope you find these things useful and that you're able to relax and enjoy this holiday weekend!

As always, choose joy!

<3 Tricia

"That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe."

1 Timothy 4:10


Organized Joy

Atlanta, GA

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