Get to know us!
Hey there! It's Tricia with Organized Joy! I believe that true wellness comes when the spirit, soul, and body are in balance. That can seem impossible with endless to-do lists and clutter taking up your valuable space. Having an unorganized place can feel overwhelming and distract you from living your life to the fullest. My desire is to help you get your home organized so you have extra time & energy to improve your life, make healthier food choices, be more dedicated to a workout routine, be more productive, improve your sleep, reduce depression & anxiety, increase positive emotions, help improve relationships and so many more amazing things!
"...that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." - John 15:11​
Hi! My name is Tricia.
Outside of organizing, I am a minimalist and believe that less is more, but it's okay if you are the complete opposite! My goal is to make sure you LOVE and ENJOY every single thing you have and that it's organized.
I'm a Jesus-lover who is passionate about living an organic lifestyle and my daily workouts. I am in the process of buying some land outside Atlanta and building my dream tiny house. In my spare time, I enjoy 10-20 mile hikes, singing karaoke, paddle boarding, serving in the children's ministry at my church and spending time at the beach!
When I started Organized Joy back in 2019, I had no idea what all would be involved. I am incredibly blessed that the Lord has given me the opportunity to do what I love and to meet so many amazing people along the way. I decided that each year, I'd like to put a water well in over in a third world country, so that others are able to have clean water! If we've worked together, thank you so much for supporting something I'm so passionate about and helping make it possible for others to have clean water. While life happened in 2022/2023 and I barely worked 6 months of those years, we were unable to put a water well in. However, the area for giving has changed direction and in the future, it will be going to single moms who have been affected by domestic abuse. Stay tuned- I appreciate you and couldn't do this without.